NEW River of Life Church Building Update
Celebrate 25 Years of God's Faithfulness with Us!
Twenty five years ago God spoke to us, like he did to Abraham. He said pack up your things and head to Chicago. Pioneer a church on the campus of NIU. Share My love with this lost generation. Thus, Campus Missions International was born!
As Tom walked the campus, he met a young man who was hungry to see God move at his school. His name was Jeff Weinstein, the first person God added to our group! Jeff became the president of our student group, married a wonderful Christian woman and had four beautiful children. He became our first church elder!
It’s hard to believe that 25 years have come and gone. They have been fruitful years as we have showered the campus with truth through Creation Presentations, Choose Life Campaigns, International Student Dinners, Hug A Pagan Day, Worship & Prayer Nights and much more!
We have ministered to thousands, and reached well over 500 students from over 10 nations. We have trained and sent out leaders, teachers, pastors, and missionaries all over the globe. One couple that we have sent out with our help has dug a well, built a road and has started a school in a poor remote village in Uganda. Truly we have been faithful to be a light to a generation in darkness!
Through out the years we have met at various temporary locations. Today God is stirring our hearts to establish a wellspring of life in DeKalb by purchasing a permanent building. We have found a wonderful one! The building has 2 kids rooms, a nursery, a kitchen with hospitality room, pastors office, and a sanctuary that will seat up to 100 people. It is exactly what we have been praying for and more!
Our vision is to establish a place where there is an open heaven, teach children’s ministry, Bible studies, host international student meals, establish a worship center and have youth meetings!
We are very much still a missionary ministry and church. We are reaching young people in a Post-Modern era. Judeo-Christian values are not part of this generations culture. We are preaching an uninvited gospel to an uninviting people. However, the gospel is still the power of God for salvation - Romans 1:16. Romans 10:14 &15, asks, "How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? 15 How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news of good things!”
What a great opportunity! Will you pray with us for God’s continued favor? Favor on campus and in the community. Will you also pray about making a financial investment to continue and expand this mission?
We need a down payment of $40,000 for this building and invite you to partner with us in making a financial investment in God’s kingdom here at NIU. If you have been asking God, show me where to put an offering of faith, then this is it! We also invite you to pass along this email to people who are looking for places to invest into the Kingdom of God.
We learned a long time ago that people give to people justified by the cause, and the cause has never been greater. What a blessing it is to have had faithful friends like you to support us in prayer and giving through out the years. You have made an impact in our ability to minister to others.
Thank you for your faithful service to the King of kings, and your prayerful consideration!
Joyfully in His Service,
Tom and Jan May
Campus Mission International - Northern Illinois University
River of Life Church - DeKalb, IL